A review of For a Liberatory Politics of Home in Antipode, by Samantha Thompson
I am grateful to Samantha Thompson for her insightful review of my book For a Liberatory Politics of Home (Duke, 2023) out now in Antipode.
These are the excerpts of all the posts contained in this website. There are about 300 entries divided among academic, non-fictional writing and narrative/poetry (the latter, only in Italian). Navigate using the categories, tags or archive menus.
I am grateful to Samantha Thompson for her insightful review of my book For a Liberatory Politics of Home (Duke, 2023) out now in Antipode.
I am thankful to my dear friend and colleague Silvia Aru for organising a forum on my For a Liberatory Politics of Home (Duke, 2023)
After many years, I have resigned from my editorial role in the Radical Housing Journal. The decision, as I explain below, it is entirely personal
We are excited to share the news that our Mara Ferreri has been awarded a prestigious ERC Consolidator grant of nearly 2 million for her
In the past year, Israel has sparred no resources to continue with its systematic intent to render Palestine a land uninhabitable for the Palestinian people.
With my brother AbdouMaliq we recently published a paper in EPD: Society & Space, titled: “Dispossessed exposures. Housing and regimes of the visible“ You can
The Beyond Inhabitation Lab & Urban Transitions Hub’s Urban School is happening in Turin on 23-26th September. We are welcoming 15 selected international postdocs who
With AbdouMaliq Simone we are organising a panel at the forthcoming ISA Sociology-RC21 conference in Rabat, Morocco. Below you can find the call for paper.
I am going to be involved in a number of sessions at the RGS-IBG conference in London this week, including discussing books from my friends
I am happy to be in #Melbourne for a number of things, thanks to the wonderful Alison Young – Deputy Director of the Melbourne Centre
It was a privilege for me to participate in the Institute on Inequality and Democracy’s Freedom School “Insurgent Ground: Land, Housing, Property” in Los Angeles
The Beyond Inhabitation Lab has hosted a tripartite session at the RC21 conference in Santiago, Chile, this July. The session was organised by our members
I arrived yesterday in Shanghai and I look forward to being based here and in Suzhou for the next five weeks, as part of my
Today in Sheffield at the Urban Institute with the Beyond Inhabitation Lab we are running a two-day workshop on The Epistemic Tangles of Urban Inhabitation.
I am happy to join the Department of Architecture at KU Leuven today for their Spatial Justice UULP day, which is dedicated to PhD candidates
The next two weeks, I am going to be busy discussing with many others the colonial war waged by the State of Israel, the militarization
Today, in an interview with the Italian newspaper Il Manifesto, I tried to sum up the last three years of personal and collective thinking /
I spent the last two weeks in Los Angeles, as a guest of the Skid Row Archive and Museum. This is a community archive and
For a few weeks, a number of academics in Italy have been working to stop an agreement between the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and
Venerdì 5 aprile, 3pm, al DIST avremo un confronto sul mio ultimo libro For a Liberatory Politics of Home (Duke University Press, 2023). Ci saranno
Spring has arrived, and the horror of the Israeli war and so many other wars are still here. We must not stop studying and discussing
The Urban Institute at the University of Sheffield, UK, hosted a hybrid event to launch my new book ‘For a Liberatory Politics of Home‘ published
La settimana prossima, lunedí 18 continuiamo a confrontarci su guerra, universitá e militarizzazione con collegh* di CERTO (Coordinamento per l’Etica nella Ricerca) e corpo studentesco.
Next week I will present my book, For a Liberatory Politics of Home (Duke University Press), with colleagues and friends in Sheffield & London. 12th
Applications now welcome to participate in a workshop on 23-24 May 2024 ‘The epistemic tangles of urban inhabitation’ organised jointly by the Urban Institute (University
Con le bravissime Paola Rivetti e Alessandra Algostino (e tant* altr*) promuoviamo questa lettera indirizzata al Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale (MAECI)
I am excited to announce the Beyond Inhabitation Lab‘s 2024 Spring-Summer Seminar Series. We will be hosting seven events, including a book discussion, a collective
From Israel to Leonardo: The role of our universities in the war industry. Today 17:30 at the Einaudi campus in Turin with Cambiare Rotta Torino,
All’interno del bellissimo Ard Film Festival (https://alardfilmfestival.com/), organizzato a #Cagliari dall’Associazione Amicizia Sardegna #Palestina, parleremo di guerra, complesso militare industriale e il rapporto tra #Università
Inhabiting the Surrounds: Urbanity, Critique and Speculative Practice Urban Studies Summer School organised by the Beyond Inhabitation Lab and Urban Transitions Hub 23-26 September 2024,
Today, we had our first meeting in Turin of our new antifascist university alliance. This is a renewed form of activism that links our anti-fascist
I look forward to joining the Radical Urban Lab at the University of St Andrews on Monday 5th, February, as part of their week of
My anti-militarist practice has brought me, for many years, to embrace the Palestinian-led Boycott, Disinvest, Sanction (BDS) campaign against the Israeli military-industrial regime and its
The following interview, about my book “Universitá e Militarizzazione” (Eris 2023), appeared in the pages of Altreconomia in Italian. I have translated it here in
Andiamo avanti a parlare di #università e #militarizzazione Oggi, a #Pisa, venerdì 15 alle ore 17:30 con Osservatorio contro la militarizzazione delle scuole: https://osservatorionomilscuola.com/2023/12/02/pisa-15-dicembre-presentazione-libro-michele-lancione-universita-e-militarizzazione/ Domani,
In Italy, for migrants who do not request asylum, or for those to whom refugee status is denied, there are the Centri di Permanenza e
Oggi su MONiTOR un estratto di #Università e #Militarizzazione in cui introduco l’opportunità (strumentale) del #dualuse (duplice uso) Grazie Stefano Portelli e compagn* per l’opportunità!
This weekend, we continue to talk about the relationship between #university and #militarisation, about #war, the intermingling of research and the military sector, and the
Questa mattina in onda su Radio Blackout 105.250 Grazie anche ai compagn* per questa intervista sui temi della #guerra e del finanziamento #militare alla ricerca
What a beautiful evening yesterday in Turin! Among the hundreds of books in the wonderful Libreria Comunardi , we took the time to discuss my
After many years of work, For a Liberatory Politics of Home is now officially out at Duke University Press. Can we imagine a ‘home’ that
IT Il Manifesto ha pubblicato una bella recensione del mio libro Università e Militarizzazione sul numero di oggi, 11 novembre. Gennaro Avallone, che ringrazio di
The UN Special Rapporteur on the right to housing is right: settler #housing practice in #Palestine amounts to #domicide. Yet, the destruction of the Palestinian
Today in Bologna, two moments for collective discussion on #housing, #domicile, #housingjustice & #war, #militarisation, #university. – 2:30 pm, “Housing: a crossroads of struggles” an
The week of 23-28 October Beyond Inhabitation Lab’s members moved to Mexico City to attend the 9th International Congress of Critical Geography. Lab members, Michele Lancione,
The shameless, violent continuation of the Israeli colonial project in Palestine leads to feelings of anxiety, powerlessness, and fear punctuated by anger and a deep
My short book on the relationship between the Academy and the Military sector is out now in Italy. The book is written in Italian, and
For a Liberatory Politics of Home, Duke University Press, is out in Nov 2023, but it can now be pre-ordered with a 30% discount on
We just published a new issue in the Radical Housing Journal! Read it by clicking on the title below. “Life-Affirmative Struggles for Home Across Borders”
On may 16th, 2023, members of the ERC Project Inhabiting Radical Housing (grant n. 851940, PI: Lancione) presented preliminary findings from research work conducted over
New European Citizen Initiative to #Stop #BorderViolence Today “we call for appropriate regulations to ensure that Article 4 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
Here is a short commentary I wrote on a terrific special issue curated by Desiree Fields, Emma Power and Kenton Card on #housing #movements and
Questo giovedì alle 18:30 al Centro Studi Sereno Regis a Torino presentiamo un numero di Contropiano e parliamo di #guerra, #imperialismo e #militarizzazione. Io in
Why we need to #AbolishFrontex now: https://abolishfrontex.org/how/ List of demands – please circulate: https://abolishfrontex.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/ENG_Abolish-Frontex-demands.pdf On fighting to keep Frontex outside of our Universities, two of
I’m happy to take part to two important events taking place under the auspice of the City of Naples this week. Tomorrow, Wednesday 7 June
Today I am turning 40, and I am in love with so many living things. A random mix to feed the algorithm. Chickpeas, with lemon
I am now concluding the editing of the proofs of my forthcoming book, For a Liberatory Politics of Home, out with Duke University Press in
CERTO – Coordinamento per l’Etica della Ricerca TOrino is a new group, which I helped co-found and of which I am part, made of academics
Università, industria delle migrazioni, controllo militare 8 maggio, 10am, Salerno In Italian – online link: https://www.unisa.it/unisa-rescue-page/dettaglio/module/87/row/9493/id/529?fbclid=IwAR131iHY-P1tqswDPOGAXBd318dZduDZDdLP9RN-zgpZVVzhOd3VPuTom7I Grazie Gennaro Avallone for organising! #AbolishFrontex
Here is a short report appeared on the Lab’s blog, on the beautiful week we just had the pleasure to attend, and to co-organise, in
Originally appeared at: https://blogs.law.ox.ac.uk/blog-post/2023/04/frontex-campus-interview-professor-michele-lancione Thanks to Maurice Stierl for the care and support. Frontex off Campus! An Interview with Professor Michele Lancione Michele Lancione works
One year ago his day, out of nowhere, from the semi-periphery with love, with AbdouMaliq Simone we launched the Beyond Inhabitation Lab. 9 ERC post-doc
I am very happy to introduce my @ERC_Research this coming Monday, 3rd April 10 am (CET) at the DICEA Department at La Sapienza, in Rome,
Today, AbdouMaliq Simone and I are pleased to announce the Beyond Inhabitation Lab’s 2023 Spring-Summer Seminar Series, as well as my ERC Inhabiting Radical Housing
I am honoured and thrilled to take up another term, till the end of 2026, as one of the Corresponding Editors at the International Journal
The Beyond Inhabitation Lab invites you to Paris, April 17-21 for a week of collective discussion and engagement on “Urban Life at the Extensions“. The
I recently met (for the second year in a row) some high school kids here in Turin to talk about Frontex. It was their teacher,
9th ICCG MÉXICO 2023 International Conference of Critical Geographies Mexico City, October 23 to 29, 2023 https://iccg2023.org/en/english/ Inhabiting radical housing: on the politics of
With thanks to Simone Tulumello and colleagues for the invitation to join their wonderful workshop, check below for basic info on how to apply and
In Turin we are launching a new Urban and Political Geography pathway within our Master in Geography and Territorial Sciences. From Sept 2023 | All
Today we are launching our Beyond Inhabitation Lab 2023 online Seminar series! We are going to host three wonderful speakers: 26 Jan 2023 with Tanzil
I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s event at the Urban Institute in Sheffield. The brilliant Beth Perry will speak on Co-production and the Future of Urban
Note: this open letter was also published in Italian in the newspaper La Stampa (see below for the scan of the article) The EU anti-fraud
I am currently offering a new 24-month Post-Doctoral Fellowship as part of a grant I was recently awarded to expand my ERC research project toward
The fight to keep Frontex out of our universities continues. In the summer of 2021, my Department (DIST) at the Politecnico di Torino signed a
I am thrilled to take part in “Decentring Critical Urban Scholarship: Conversations with IJURR” I will introduce the work of the Beyond Inhabitation Lab (www.beyondinhabitation.org)
I am thrilled to announce a new successful competitive funding application, from the Italian Ministry of University and Research. The scheme is called ‘FARE‘, which
Thank you Michele Acuto for your generous review in IJURR of the book I’ve done with Colin McFarlane! 56 authors across the globe, for a
Yesterday, 29th Sept 2022, I took part in the retirement party of my former first PhD supervisor and fundamental academic mentor, Ash Amin. The event
Now we are going to watch her – and I ask for all of you, to please watch us. There are going to be years
On Saturday, 24th September, 9pm, I will join a critical public festival in Turin, sponsored by ‘Volere la Luna‘. At the event, I will join
In the PDF below, you can find the syllabus for my Master-level module on Geography, Theory and Practice. The module offers an introduction to critical
I am in beautiful Lecce today, opening the #Giornate della #Geografia of the Associazione dei geografi italiani – Association of Italian Geographers with Anna Casaglia
The Beyond Inhabitation Lab (www.beyondinhabitation.org) is excited to attend the RGS-IBG 2022 conference this week (https://www.rgs.org/research/annual-international-conference/). If you are in Newcastle, come join us for
I have the privilege of working with scholars who are going to mark #urban & #housing studies. Thumbs up for the work of my postdocs
When I was working at the Urban Institute and the Department of Urban Studies and Planning back in Sheffield, I designed and run for 3
The Radical Housing Journal seventh Issue is now out!! Issue 4.1 – Carcerality, Housing Precarity and Abolition Edited by Samanta Thompson, Erin McElroy, Ana Vilenica
I am grateful to the WOZ (DieWochenzeitung) and to Raphael Albisser for giving me space on their pages to express some ideas on urbanity, radical
I am happy to be in Utrecht today Faculty of Geosciences, speaking at their Urban Future Lecture Series. I will be presenting research underpinning the
Following the ongoing investigative work of Luca Rondi at Altra Economia (ITA – ENG) I am writing again – this time not alone, but with
“Grammars of the Urban Ground“, the book I co-edited with Ash Amin for Duke University Press, is now out at https://www.dukeupress.edu/grammars-of-the-urban-ground Get 30% off the
I am excited to take part in a two-day event on “Evictability: Understanding the nexus of migration and urban displacements” at Malmö University, Institute for
I am very happy to join new friends in Lisbon tomorrow, at the CICS.NOVA | Conferência de Primavera do Laboratório de Ideias | Ideas Laboratory
Today at the Beyond Inhabitation Lab we are announcing our 2022 Spring Seminar Series! In our first set of interventions and collective conversations, we are
Last night I had a wonderful time at Urban Publics Zurich event, where we discussed radical housing theory and praxis with organisers and scholars based
Today, after a year of preparation, we are launching our “Beyond Inhabitation: A Collective Study Lab” based at DIST in Turin, Italy. This is our
Please join Francesco Chiodelli, Camillo Boano, Francesca Governa and yours truly for our forthcoming seminars at DIST in Turin with two very distinguished guests: 20
My new paper in Antipode took years to write. Since the time in which I did the archival and ethnographic research underpinning it much life,
If you are in Genoa this Thursday 31st March, I will be at a demonstration and public debate with the comrades of the Collettivo Autonomo
Thanks to the Spiegel and, in Italy, to Luca Rondi at Altreconomia, we have now even more proofs of how Frontex is engaging in the
Housing and inhabitation: situated geographies of intersectional struggles Organised by: Abdoumaliq Simone, Oluwafemi Olajide, Daniela Morpurgo, Michele Lancione, and Chiara Cacciotti Three interlocking processes are
With Chiara Cacciotti and AbdouMaliq Simone we are organising a paper session at the forthcoming EASA conference, Belfast, 26-29 July 2022. “Inhabiting liminality. Housing precarity
Much of what I think around Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine is contained is this powerful text from a group of Russian anarchists, appeared on
Join Ana Vilenica and me this Tuesday 22 February, 4pm CET (Rome time) for a seminar on “Open Source Dissemination and Radical Publishing” We will
Check out our Radical Housing Journal call for papers for the next ISA-RC21 conference in Athens. “Intersectionality and housing struggles: Liberating housing at the intersection
Late in December last year, EPD: Society & Space published a special issue I curated with my dear friend AbdouMaliq Simone. This is a project
The last position available on my ERC ‘Inhabiting Radical Housing’ project has been advertised yesterday. 3- year research contract (RTDA) to work in Turin
ciao bell hooks when I did my PhD this book allowed me not to feel ashamed about my working-class self-made ‘culture’ and it allowed me
The Polytechnic has decided to continue the agreement of service between DIST-Ithaca-Polito and Frontex (back story, here). After a meeting of the academic Senate on
I am very happy to take part in the third and last event in the “Infrastructure, Inequality and the Neo-Apartheid City” series, organised by Dr
This Friday, with my beloved sister, comrade and friend Veda Popovici, we will give one of the keynotes at the 2021 RGS-IBG Urban Geography Research
Two major news outlets, among others, are talking of this matter today in Italy (my original story is here). Francesca Spinelli interviewed me for the
Tomorrow I will be delivering one of the keynotes at the “Planning for Social Justice” event DAStU – Politecnico di Milano, at 9:30am CET I
My Department at the Polytechnic of Turin is creating maps for Frontex, the EU border control agency, which is involved in the violent pushbacks of
I am very thrilled to be able to announce the post-docs joining (Jan22) my European Research Council #InhabitingRadicalHousing project at DIST – Dip. Interateneo di
I am happy to begin teaching today on a new introductory module that I have designed, on Geography, Theory & Practice in Turin, with
After a long time of no-travelling, and a very tough couple of years, I now have the privilege to travel to Berlin (by train!) to
A dieci anni dal mio ‘Il numero 1‘, Eris Edizioni ha pubblicato un bel saggio di Daniela Leonardi intitolato ‘La colpa di non avere un
If you are attending the UK-Ireland Planning Research Conference, don’t miss tomorrow’s (9th Sept 2021) roundtable on ‘Worldwide perspectives on (in)justice in planning with a
Oggi è uscito un ulteriore bando per un assegno junior sul mio progetto ERC — si tratta di un anno rinnovabile, aperto a persone interessate
Join AbdouMaliq Simone & me today #RC21Antwerp for a wonderful panel with Gautam Bhan, Rupali Gupte, Ratoola Kundu, Anant Maringanti & Prasad Shetty “What
“Libya has long been unsafe for refugees and migrants. Both state and non-state actors subject them to a catalogue of human rights violations and abuses
Dear Colleagues, The job adverts for the 5 post-doctoral positions I am currently offering have opened. In what follows, I am summarising the jobs on
In the collective imaginary – but also in much detrimental journalistic and scholarly ‘work’ – #SkidRow in #LosAngeles is presented only as a place of
(14/7/21) Check here a new post, with the job application links. — I will soon start hiring for my European Research Council (ERC) Inhabiting Radical
Our fifth issue of the Radical Housing Journal is now out. Featuring 300+ pages of outstanding content, including 2 special issues, & southern conversations on
Today I am turning 38, and all I can think about is that the city I have chosen to live in, the city where my
Studi spaziali e metodi qualitativi: percorsi e approcci per investigare la contemporaneità Seminario online di ricerca dottorale di Alice Salimbeni Mercoledì, 26 maggio 2021, ore
Copies arrived of “Global Urbanism. Knowledge, Power and the City”, which is now out for Routledge (order at http://routledge.pub/Global-Urbanism -20% with code SMA03). This is
Tempo di tornare a casa… 2020 has been hard on my family, and so, after 13 years abroad, from 1st April (no fool!) I’ll return
A little news decided in early 2020 but effective as of 1/21… I am now full Professor/Chair in Urban Studies (Professore Ordinario in Studi Urbani)
Since the beautiful people at the Critical Urbanisms lab in Basel recorded it… let me share. In this lecture I try to make sense of
After some personal and COVID-19 delay, today we start my European Research Council (ERC) project on “Inhabiting Radical Housing”! I look forward to the next
After 8 years of work within City – Analysis of Urban Change, Theory and Action, the last two of which as one of the main
After a year of work, Issue 2.1 of the Radical Housing Journal is out now. Titled: “The renewed ‘crisis’: Housing struggle before and after the
It is a great privilege for me to be part of this publication by the Goethe-Institut Los Angeles & Arts of the Working Class with so many friends coming
With AbdouMaliq Simone we have produced this text, which appeared first on the Society & Space Blog (here and here) and then on LeftEast (here).
Out now in Cultural Anthropology a powerful colloquy on “Gestures of Care”, of which I’m flattered to be part of, together with my friends Lauren
Published on the Italian communist newspaper Il Manifesto, on 16/12/19. The original piece can be found here. Boris mangia un panino. Tiene un pesce
If there is one seminar series in urban anthropology that has attracted lots of attention in recent years, this is the CADES (Advanced Master of
The Life at the Margins and Urban Human research group at the Urban Institute invite you to our new seminar series, “Dwelling in Liminalities: Uncanny
The Early Career Researchers (ECRs) Urban Studies Network is an Urban Institute (UI) and the Department of Urban Studies and Planning (USP) initiative, supported by
After more than three years of plotting, planning, working and sharing our collective book on the fight for the right to housing and the city
It’s a privilege for me to join the Editorial Board of IJURR as their new Corresponding Editor for Europe. According to the Editorial Board: “Corresponding
I am so happy to share that I am one of the 2019 recipients of the European Research Council Starting Grant, with my project “Radical
I am thrilled to join #UnequalCities Network at UCLA as a core partner. This is one of the most exciting housing justice initiative bridging research & activism
Dialogues in Human Geography published a review forum of my documentary A început ploaia/It started raining. The Forum contains reflections that encompass the film, to discuss
On Friday 06/06/19 we screened our FCDL documentary film around evictions in Romania at the 11th meeting of the European Action Coalition for the Right
Earlier this year I was invited to give one of the keynotes at the Housing Studies Association conference in Sheffield, UK. My talk was sponsored
Today I will open the 7th EUGEO Congress in conjunction with the 51st Conference of Irish Geographers, here in the west of Ireland – Galway City.
In 2003 I visited Romania as an Erasmus student and I got hooked. In particular, I got hooked by the encounter that I had with
On Friday the 12nd of April, 2019, I gave my plenary speech at the Housing Studies Association Conference in Sheffield. The conference, organized by Ryan
I am so proud and energized by the launch of the Radical Housing Journal: a new, peer-reviewed, open-source publication that cuts across the academy and
Yesterday in Rome at the Casal Boccone Occupato resiste e insiste squat we had a powerful exchange Romania-Italy on racism, evictions and housing justice. We screened A Inceput
The Relational Poverty Network is a USA-based but internationally driven ensemble, which convenes a community of scholars to develop conceptual frameworks, research methodologies, and
The Urban Human and the Life at the Margins research themes at the Urban Institute are launching a series of internal workshop on ‘The Urban
I was recently interviewed by Milena Belloni for the ‘HOMING‘ project run by Paolo Boccagni. In the interview we discuss homelessness, home, and radical research
This is a short essay that I have written for the volume Homelessness in 2030. Essays on possible futures, edited by Johanna Lassy and Saija Turunen,
I’ve recently reviewed Pieterse and Simone’s latest book for IJURR. The book is called New Urban Worlds: Inhabiting Dissonant Times. Cambridge: Polity Press and the
The first workshop of the Antipode Scholar-Activists Award managed by Michele Lancione (UI) together with Nicoleta Vișan, Carolina Vozian, Ioana Florea, Erin Mc ElRoy and
RC21, September, 18-21, 2019 @Delhi CFP: Dwelling in the interstices: modes of inhabitation and common life in the contemporary city Please submit your 250
I am excited to be in Berlin today, to present a paper on minor ethnography at the prestigious Institutskolloquium of the Institute of European
I am happy to be part of the Festival della Participazione, a long-standing festival concerned with civic participation, critical readings of democracy and public debate.
The first paper that I thought and wrote since I’ve joined USP and the Urban Institute at Sheffield is out now in Geoforum. It is
I am delighted to be part of this exciting workshop for early career ethnographers @LSHTM. In my keynote tomorrow I will develop ideas on ‘minor ethnographies’
I am very privileged to teach @UniTrento for their Summer School in Ethnography this week. This is the 6th edition of this prestigious school, and
Thanks to The Antipode Foundation for awarding the Antipode Scholar-Activist Award to Erin MC EL, Veda Popovici, Nicoleta Nico, Ioana Florea, Caro Linaand myself, for our project “How the Roma are fighting
Numerous events took place across Europe to celebrate the 50 years after the backlash of ’68. Pushpa Arabindoo, Senior Lecturer at UCL, organised a very
Together with many of my colleagues across USP and the Urban Institute, I have been striking for almost two weeks, to defend our pensions against
I am, together with a collective of 14 people spread around the world, launching the first call for papers for a new publication
[Note: I claim of writing poetry in my own language. After more than a year, I am coming back to it. This blog have
Several activist groups and communities concerned with the right to housing in Italy have organised screening of my documentary A inceput ploaia/It started raining in
As part of a European campaign promoted by the European Action Coalition aimed at raising awareness around the financialisation of housing, the Frontul Comun Pentru
I was recently generously invited by FEANTSA and the European Observatory on Homelessness to deliver one of the keynotes at the 12th European Research Conference on
Together with my good friends and colleagues Tatiana Thieme (UCL) and Elisabetta Rosa (Université Catholique de Louvain) we have just published a very exciting special
I am very happy to be part of this exciting forum around micro politics and the minor, which builds on Cindi Katz’s 1996 ‘Towards Minor
Housing Studies has published a paper that I have co-authored with two Italian colleagues, Alice Stefanizzi and Marta Gaboardi. The paper is entitled: ‘Passive adaptation
Today Paolo Villaggio passed away. Per-se, this is not big news. The Italian actor, author, director and comedian was 84 and he was not well
EPD: Society and Space has just published my new paper entitled ‘Revitalising the uncanny: Challenging inertia in the struggle against forced evictions’. I am grateful
A început ploaia is the first documentary about forced evictions in Bucharest, which I written, researched and directed after two years of ethnographic fieldwork, activism
A inceput ploaia – Trailer (ENG) from A Community Productions on Vimeo. In what follows I want to offer my perspective on how I
The European Journal of Homelessness (published by the European Observatory of Homelessness – FEANTSA) has just released the 10 years anniversary issue of the Journal.
Social and Cultural Geography has recently published a paper that took me many years to write and to think upon — it is called The ethnographic
Martina Klausner (Department of European Ethnology, Humboldt-University of Berlin) and myself are organising a session on The everyday makeshifts of life at the urban margins
Nell’esercizio delle sue funzioni Nell’esercizio delle mie funzioni Le mie mani sembrano la periferia estesa di Un modello di Boggi Milano su una Umberto Dei,
It took me a long time but finally is here… my Transactions’ paper on how homeless people negotiate their differences at the margins. The paper shows
Environment and Planning A has just published a paper that Colin McFarlane and myself have written on the infra-making of sanitation at the margins of
I am very happy to be part of the EURA 2016 conference in my – adoptive – city of Turin! If you are around, here
After two years of intense work with 13 exceptionally talented scholars, my first book is finally out for Routledge! Rethinking Life at the Margins. The Assemblage of
S- convulsione, Una schiena che va dove non deve, e gradi che sono una limitazione, Non grado militare, non calore, grado di tara, Grado di
A new book has appeared in the Edinburgh University Press’ series ‘Deleuze Connections’: Deleuze and the City, edited by Hélène Frichot, Catharina Gabrielsson and Jonathan Metzger.
Tomorrow I will be at the School of Urban Studies and Planning, The University of Sheffield (RJ Room Geography and Urban Studies Building – 17.00
Tomorrow, 23 February 2016, I will deliver two seminars at the School of Geographical Sciences, University of Bristol (2pm and 4pm, Seminar room 1). The
Today I went to the remembrance ceremony for Giulio Regeni, in front of the Italian embassy in London. Many Italian and British researchers were there.
The new edited book by Anders Blok and Ignacio Farías has now been published by Routledge: Urban Cosmopolitics. Agencements, assemblies, atmospheres. Colin McFarlane and myself have written a chapter
A organizzarle le parole, a tagliarle, in caselle, che finisco poi come i libri, abbandonate alla luce del neon, che solo un piano le puo’
My great colleagues at UTS, Liisa Naar and Stewart Clegg, have put together an excellent book on the Dr Chau Chak Wing building, the first building
I have been kindly invited in Berlin, at Humboldt University, to comment upon an ethnographic research project titled “The Production of Chronicity in Mental Healthcare and
Please find below a CFP for the forthcoming EURA conference ‘City lights. Cities and citizens within/beyond/notwithstanding the crisis’, Turin (Italy), 16-18 June 2016 (http://www.eura2016.org/). 500-word
Francisco Calafate-Faria and myself have put together a CfP for the next AAG in San Francisco, 29 March-2 April 2016. You find it below and
Open Democracy has published the piece I wrote on Eviction and Housing Racism in Bucharest. The piece narrates the story of the Vulturilor community, which
The RGS-IBG 2015 is about to start in Exeter. It’s a long time I haven’t took part to one RGS-IBG and I am very much
Ho parlato di piano e ho parlato di te, ho parlato di cose che non si dicono e ho parlato di mare, di cose grandi,
Today Max Daly published his piece on Bucharest’s drug issues on VICE US. Max has focused mainly on the condition of Roma drug users – an
Since one year and a half I’m a Fellow of the Urban Studies Foundation. The USF is a great and somewhat ‘old-school’ institution: they give
I have recently been to Marseille, for a very nice workshop on Marginality organised by Elisabetta Rosa. I did not have much time to experience
Great AAG this year in Chicago. Lots of people, stimulating talks and activities – all settled in the Windy City, which indeed is quite windy,
After my PhD I spent two years working at the University of Technology of Sydney (UTS). In particular I have been working at UTS Business
I am co-organising, with Tatiana Thieme (Cambridge) and Elisabetta Rosa (Aix-Marseille), the following CFP for the RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2015, Exeter, 2-4 September 2015.
Below there are some of the pics I have been taking in Brasov, Rasnov and Bran – three beautiful places in Transilvania where I have
it’s burning behind and below, papers and eyes when this smoke rises up like missing the point, a surprise, which I can see in your
(The text below is a reasoning about the above video, which can be also watched here) Today I woke up at 3am in order to
Yesterday I presented my approach to homelessness at Eichstatt-Ingolstadt University, for the KU INTERNATIONAL LECTURE SERIES, Space – Society – Economy, of the Department of
Below there are some pics that I have been taking today, at the protest in support of the Vulturilor’s people – evicted from their homes
I made a short video to support the protest against the Vulturilor eviction, in Bucharest, Romania (2014), of which I have written here. The protest
I am in Bucuresti since one month and a half. I live in a very depressing block, in the souther periphery of the city, full
Alla mia cara amica Elena. Ho bisogno del volume Tienilo alto Che insieme al volume e all’altezza Lascieremo le case, pareti, Tappetti a quadrettoni, Queste nostre paure interiori Lascieremo il ragno solo, E se lo tieni alto abbastanza festeggieremo Tu e io, Il compleanno in Paradiso, Con Pietro un drogato barbone che puzza di ali E dice Signori della Corte e del Cortile, piu’ aperto di una casa il cortile Che la casa e’ prigione: Parete E tappeto a quadrettone. Alto, che si ha paura delle altitudini inferiori, Alto ti prego, Che sara’ come andare in metro nella Bucuresti Col puzzo di benzene e il punto croce,
Tomorrow I will be part of a panel presenting, commenting, and reasoning around the terrific work that Governa, Memoli, Cattedra, Puttilli, Giua and Prospekt Photographers
I wanted a watch, a penis-watch, to measure the times (how many times and more) of my healthy erections, Which are a lot less, than
I am very happy to say that we have finalised CRASSH‘s City Seminar program for next year. Hanna Baumann, Farhan Samanani and my self (with
I have recently been to Catania and Ragusa, where I did some work for the fioPSD (Network Housing First Italia). While there, I also took
Social and Cultural Geography has just published a paper of mine, on homelessness, Facebook, and the relation between social media, affects, and poverty. It is
e aggiungi una nuova linea di quelle sheeeeet! aggiungi una nuova linea tra i tuoi capelli, una pagina bianca come la lingua delle parole girate
Restiamo incantati a vederli passare, immobili documenti su barche e onde e orecchie a tenere capelli dal vento, restiamo incantati a vederli passare. L’uomo sospeso
Management Learning has just published a paper based on the work I did at UTS, on how Business Education is changing on the aftermath of
I have… assembled the program of the three sessions I have organised for the AAG 2014, starting tomorrow in Tampa. The three sessions will see
City has recently published one of my paper on homelessness, from my 2010 fieldwork in Turin, Italy. The paper can be downloaded here, below is
The European Journal of Homelessness published a reworked version of what I wrote for the Nervemeter (a street-based magazine in London). It is a paper
A new paper of mine is available on Urban Studies (online first). The paper is entitled ‘Entanglements of faith: Discourses, practices of care and homeless
Verso il declino si va, con le lettere ribaltate negli occhi, e i tasti ribattuti. Verso il declino con le mani aperte in pace con
“Al Centro di Tunisi: Geografie dello Spazio Pubblico dopo una Rivoluzione” is a terrific research, website, and network prepared by Raffaele Cattedra, Maurizio Memoli, Francesca
I have been taking part to an ethnography panel with Barbara Czarniawska at UTS, on the 12th of November. The panel was good fun, providing some
EXTENDED DEADLINE (14th of November) for the session I am organising for the next AAG in Tampa. We already secured a panel – let’s
I spent a few days in Perth. Good beer (Little Creatures), and places (e.g. Fremantle). The Botanic Gardens are very nice too. And there is
(Dedicato a chi migra. Anche quando non ce la fa). Il cd ha un riflesso che incrocia la tua mano tesa E acqua in gola.
I am organising this Call for Paper for the next AAG in Tampa. I look forward to receiving many excellent submissions 😉 Call for Papers:
Area has just published one of my paper on homelessness, which is an expanded version of the theoretical argument I was making in my PhD
City has just published a symposium organised by Bob Catterall and myself, sparkled from a paper by Ash Amin “Telescopic Urbanism and the Urban Poor”
Below there are some of the pictures that I have been taking in Tel Aviv, while attending the wonderful City-State workshop of which I have
Below there are some of the photos I took in Iceland (almost a month ago). The photos have been taken near the lake Thingvallavatn, in
Tomorrow I am going to take part to the 5th Nordic Geographers Meeting, in Reykjavík. I am going to present a paper written with Stewart Clegg,
Dear all, I am very happy to share this piece of writing I produced for the Nervemeter. The Nervemeter is a non-profit, underground magazine, created by
Today, at UTS Business School, I presented on my ethnographic work and the challenges and political stances associated to it. A good panel – with Theresa
Before going to the AAG in LA I have been visiting my dear friend Edu in Mexico City. What a great City! Full of life,
The Journal of Political Power has just published my critical review of Bent Flybvjerg’s “Real Social Science. Applied Phronesis” (edited with Todd Landman and Stanford Schram).
The Journal of Change Management has just published one of my paper, co-authored with Stewart Clegg. The paper is related to my research on UTS
Il giorno ha il colore dei mobili intrisi di fumo, e le labbra il sapore della gasolina che evapora dalla routine dell’uomo solo.
From tomorrow I will take part to the Association of American Geographers annual meeting in Los Angeles. I will present in a session called “Geophilosophy
Some of the pictures I took in Tokyo, Japan, in February 2013.
I have been invited by Dr Jochen Schweitzer to deliver a lecture on urbanism within its course “The Global Context of Management“. Below you can find
É sempre lo stesso, lui, così confortante: Una selezione (per modo di dire). Un ragno sul muro da incollare e scollare. Per far passare le
Guardo la fine negli occhi nei denti bianchi Nella samba-bossa nova, lei vecchia che sbava, Una collana convessa ai concavi seni, E tubini bianco crème
Tomorrow I’ll be presenting my research on homeless people at the Institute of Culture and Society, University of Western Sydney. I am very excited by
From tomorrow I am going to attend the 15th APROS (Asia-Pacific Researcher in Organisation Studies), at Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo (15-17 February 2013). I am going
I have launched a reading/discussion group on the Urban at the University of Technology of Sydney. Here is the website: http://utsurbanforum.wordpress.com The Urban Forum is an
I’m looking for what I can’t write or sing, for the impulse that is given, the one not chosen ‘cause isn’t known, An “ain’t
Today, just before leaving Italy for Australia, I have been to the Fenestrelle Fort. It is a very interesting place, the biggest fortress in
Contenere, contendere, cantina, contare, Cartina tornasole, gira lecca chiudi e Fuma le parole, Bacia le parole, Sfiorale: Sfonda le parole, sbattile. Tienile da dietro,
Questo racconto lo puoi scaricare anche in formato PDF tra i miei ebooks in download gratuito, qui. Le tende rosse. E la pianura distesa bianca,
Accoccolati e dispersi, a ricorrersi dietro un monito cellulare come sulle piante a prendere il sole e a riflettere la luce e le ombre, le
Tomorrow I will be presenting around the notion of “The Chance of Space”, at a workshop in UTS Business School. The presentation fits with my
Tomorrow I will present my work on Homelessness at Macquarie University. Here you can download the flyer of the event, and below you
Voglia di qualcosa che rassomigli al piccolo mondo antico, o alle parole che non dico ma suono E a quelle che suonano sole negli
Siamo stati a piedi lungo la tangenziale, le ciglia della tangenziale, e palpebre di cemento e iride sputata negli incavi SOS, Siamo stati a piedi
“Le mots et les images”, Magritte Perché il Movimento 5 Stelle é un partito e Beppe Grillo un Leader Il Movimento Cinque Stelle é
Pensieri in fila come divieti di fumo, a codificare l’aereo e i morti suoi, il giardino, la posta, Pensieri in fila come divieti di
Ci frantumiamo contro le aspettative Negli aeroporti lasciamo loro prendere il volo Nelle segnaletiche Duty Free, liberi da ogni obbligazione, Trainiamo casse da morto Che
I will present at the “International Conference on Living with Difference” 12-13 September 2012, Marriott Hotel, Leeds, UK. The paper is titled “Different living in
Il seguente brano è contenuto all’interno del “Lounge Funk Beat Tape Vol:1” prodotto dal beatmaker inglese Shugmonkey. Scaricabile gratuitamente qui: http://shugmonkey.bandcamp.com. Il brano lo puoi
I will present a paper at the 7th Annual Ethnography Symposium, University of Liverpool, 29th-31st August 2012. Below title and abstract. (This is part of
Photo source: http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1018/1124577633_3cdb131392.jpg A new article on the Journal of Political Power. If you would like to read it, please send me an email here. Cunha,
“Malcolm X. A Life of reinvention” is not only a book. It’s a journey, where many roads intersect. Two are more relevant than others. We
Appollaiati alle spalle del giorno abbiamo visto una nave pirata e la nave, rapida taglia assi e contesti, tempi e modi di scena, tendoni, bottiglie,
Tornando dalla bella Italie, mi sono fermato un giorno a Shanghai. Un’afa! E che smog! C’è davvero da fare i complimenti a questi cinesi di
Il mio romanzo sui senza fissa dimora (o meglio, con i senza fissa dimora) di Torino, Il Numero 1, conteneva una appendice rivolta esplicitamente a
4 July, 2012 – 7 July, 2012 @ Aalto University & Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki, Finland – EGOS 2012, Design?! I will present a paper (written
Anche per scrivere, mi devo organizzare. Esistono programmi che permettono di definire i personaggi della storia a priori, i luoghi, le scene. Ne
Caduto, scivolato là dove guardi tu e proprio perché guardi così teso e lontano mi era impossibile non cadere, tenere a freno la vertigine di
Nei miei passi c’è la certezza delle mie motivazioni, e il fatto che né passi né motivazioni siano mie non emerge, non sovviene. Imperterrito ho
(Screenshot da Terraferma, 2011) Terraferma è un film del 2011, di Emanuele Crialese. Terraferma è un film che tu devi vedere, che dobbiamo vedere tutti.
Questo posto fa paura la notte coi ragni a venire su dal parquet, finestre come fondi di bicchiere, consunte, le labbra seccate da serate a
Tuesday, 8 May, 2012 – @ UTS, Faculty of Architecture, Design and Building (DAB) I will talk about: “The more-than-human city of the homeless subject”
Un piano è una sistemazione di tasti alternati, il gesso che sbriciola, la lavagna. C’è una luce che filtra tra le parole le lascia sospese senza
Leggo questo breve articolo di ‘E’, sull’utilizzo degli psicofarmaci nelle carceri italiane. Si parla di qualcosa come 35.000 detenuti che utilizzano questi farmaci, per stare
Nella borsa ho i contanti per uccidere l’uomo,le spatole le spugne il Vangelo, piegato,ho guanti che non bruciano maniacidi per aurore boreali. Nella testa ho
Finalmente qualcosa di sensato sul blablabla della decrescita. — IL MANIFESTO 2012.04.01 – Decrescita, fuga verso il passato: http://www.ilmanifesto.it/area-abbonati/in-edicola/manip2n1/20120401/manip2pg/06/manip2pz/320520/
Leggo questo documento, un documento che devo leggere codificare allacciare ad altri per costruire qualcosa di sensato, un argomento, una connessione. La ricerca. Leggo questo
Chi puo’ va a mangiar la cioccolata. Gli altri, – . “gelato al cioccolato dolce e un po’ salatotu, gelato al cioccolatoun bacio al cioccolato
Diciamo pure che ci sono cresciuto con questa divisione, East e West coast. L’HH, certo. Biggie e 2Pac, certo. (Anche se, devo dire, a me
Pagine bianche, pagine gialle, massaggi con finale di mano di bocca di cuore, fare la spesa con un occhio alle offerte, parco centrale, Le fronde
Non ho forza di scrivere poesie davanti a uno specchiodavanti ai limiti ci vorrebbe una linea di fuganon una poesiaancora da scrivere, una canzone a
Ernesto esce di casa, le spalle tappate da una sciarpa, una giacca, una mantella che è lunga un colore marrone. Esce di casa in macchina,
(Foto di Eleonora Leo Mignoli) Le hanno tagliato i capelliè uno stato di necessità la maglia a righe la sponda la frangia,Alba, Corniolo e laLinea
la cosa che mi scuce di più della donna che passa per strada le scarpe grosse, la giacca-spalle-larghe l’ombrello trascinato nel gioco dei capelli, è
A Canberra le strade sono larghe, ci puoi girare solo in macchina a Canberra. Pianificata da zero per placare la disputa tra Melbourne e Sydney
Loretta: How’d you sleep? Sheriff Ed Bell: I don’t know. Had dreams. Loretta: Well, you got time for ’em now. Anything interesting? Sheriff Ed Bell:
quando i piani non li riusciamo a sovvertire e il piano della cucina rimane tale un coltello una sigaretta mentre continuano a bussare, coi loro
Association of the American Geographers Annual Meeting, Feb.2012 – New York Schizoanalysis of the homeless subject Keywords: Homeless people, chance of space, Guattari, abstract
Il viaggio natalizio lungo la spina orientale di questa grande Australia mi ha portato tra città impazzite per lo shopping del Boxing Day, isole magnetiche,
(a Leo) Se c’è speranza per un cambiamento quella sta sotto le unghie, incosciente movimento,di raccolta, briciola naso vagina seno, tavolino, aereo,treno, culo, raccoglimento senza differenziazione,un ammasso che
Pranzo di Natale. Avocado, pomodori, cheddar cheese, finale di Malcom X, Spike Lee. Pensiero a Leo. Pensiero a casa.Prossimo spunto: Viaggiare. Chiudo questa macchina e
Rimettere mano alla propria tesi di dottorato. Rendersi conto di quanti km sono passati. Ricordarsi gli odori della mensa, della strada. Delle persone con cui
Segnalo l’uscita di un volume+dvd intitolato “Il Futuro del Mondo Passa da Qui”. Si tratta di un insolito esperimento in cui 16 fotografi, 18 autori
gli insetti vinceranno, prenderanno il sopravvento e ci faranno una coperta con cui avvolgere fratture, braccia a penzoloni bave e penetrazioni. gli insetti aperti come
Sempre più a Sud, sempre più a Est, che poi è tutto relativo. Auckland, città che di per sè non è poi un granché, per
(from http://www.vizzed.com/videogames/appleii/screenshot/Alice%20In%20Wonderland-3.png) Berlusconi said he will resign after a major vote that will take place in the two different chambers, in approximately 15 days. I’m not
My Pillow: Too Cool. Stamattina, ore 7.30 locali, sono andato a un thinktank meeting. Architetti Ingegneri Giovani Funzionari della Città Accademici Young, tutti insieme si
The 14th Asia-Pacific Researchers in Organization Studies Conference Nov 29-Dec 1, 2011 School of Management, Massey University Auckland, New Zealand Practicing space, organizing the future Relying
(Image from http://www.transatlantis.net/blog/category/theory/page/3/) An interesting animation on the current rationalities of the globalized world. Probably too much stuff all in one place, but still good.
Ho in mente il pubblico, quando scrivo. In mente l’emozione della lettura in pubblico, quando scrivo. Vorrei passare la mia vita a leggere, in pubblico.
I piedi che tagliano a fette la sera, Capitano,ci portano incontro ai dettagli, aprono squarci su mondi che non conosciamouniversi lontani, dalle sciarpedai lacci delle
Abu Dhabi. Il petrolio fatto cattedrale, il deserto. Centri commerciali giganteschi, moschee con lampadari da 8 milioni di dollari, hotel che di miliardi di dollari ne
La centrifuga della lavatrice si aggrappa alle scale viene qua, si confonde con noi, il crepitare del vinile,il sospiro della madre che si siedequel Ci
vedo chiaramente avanti a me gli impegnidi una vita che non mi appartienegli appartamenti arredati con fatica della precedentedove ho già fatto posare la polvereda
Degli odori, apprezzo la serale sue gru vigilie l’eros altrui,tende rosse:mono,amore,locale. Il cielo di questa città viola. Il palazzo in costruzione checontinua a urlare. Le
ho trattenuto il respiro per portare con me la tua immagine che irrompe nell’aia un pezzo di verde la bocca del cane lo spalancare le
Il mio account personale, 90,000 parole,formale, troppo formale,Perfezionare. Una casa è un argomento che non può crollare.E’ fondato logico discorsivorigido gonfio riflessivo,rosso grondante pronto, eiacula,
In questo giorno uguale a séc’è da girarsi le clessidre negli occhitenere le mani sulle ringhierepiantarsi coi piedi per terra. E invece ci tagliamo la
Con i piedi a mollo nello specchio sono il riflesso di una posa, ciondoli-alla-mano: ho iniziato a chiedere di te al giorno quando di te
(c) Eleonora Leo Mignoli www.eleonoraleomignoli.com L’ora delle stelle già mortegli intarsi delle serrature mai apertele maglie riposte equei segni, accumulati franei sotto-la-pelle. Sono venuto nell’ora
ci sono sogni e progetti ma i cassetti sono stati progettati con difetti
le dita lungo il corpo e la maschera,steso sul lettoin faccia all’armadio con le sue quattro baredi plastica,le maglie scomposte chesi spengono, le librerie decompongono,le
Nella mia vita ci sono troppe cose vestizioni. Gli anelli che porto alle dita paiono spesso pori altrui.
nella foga di sfogliarle, le dita, di passarci attraverso e cucirci insieme i giorni di leggerne il futuro tra le rughe che parlano di oggetti che non
Prendere le mani carezzare i capelli, coperchiosull’acqua che bolle, la pasta piegata, vestiti da buttare:carte sparse e amore, fatto di rabbia,film incastrati alla perfezionetra le
quante briciole può tenere la mia impronta digitale quando la giro per farle cadere e il loro moto scompagina la luce del sole attraverso, questo
ho visto ragni aracnofobici ballare con Thom York una salsa e la salsa è sempre senza parole appiccicata al muro come ∫˜ª e altri Fahrenheit
I tuoi confini non sono confini sono terre straniere guardate a piè-spinto, frontiere: i cori di ambulanze che tagliano in due paesi che sanno di
a Fab, Fra, Roby dal palco un corpo è una esse, che si perde in vocali di scena, da un lato è un baffo girato
sto lavorando a una cosa minoreche è più grande di me,come un arco, staedtler, che si tende dalle tue ginocchia allabbro: gonfio.mi danno delle scadenzee ci
Eleonora Mignoli © (re-processed by me) li abbiamo attesi nel gelo racchiusopiantati sulle mattonelle, in facciaai palazzi tinti di notteche dalle finestre hanno lucia volte
Mi sono dovuto alzare per regolare il volume del mio amplificatore, nero, ruotare le grande manopola per aumentare il timbro, le dita di Rubinstein leggere
“La superficie pare essere della stessa consistenza della guancia di mia madre quando aveva appena finito di piangere, e mi tirava su oltre le sue
Fondamentalmente è l’avverbio che usi di più. Un giorno mi sono messo a contare quante volte lo impieghi. Non te l’ho mai detto, ci
quella striscia linea sottile che particelle a noi sconosciute hannodipinto, come segno di tappo o vasettocrosta marrone sul cucchiaino,quella linea di caffé che ha
di corsa in cosa di scontrino in scontrino ho passato le mie mani più in tasca che altrove, il ripiano di questa scrivania, la tua
battiti di una lucecontro questa paretegioia: la camera da lettoe tre viole messe apposta piegate premute dentro all’amplificatore.Come sto, mia cara,distrazione. Dai doveri dai progetti
Il ballo più bello, ballerina, tip tap fra tasti bianchi e la luna riflessa di questa tua grande schiena… “quando arrivi, quando verrai per me, guarda
Sarà stato un telo, plastica bianca, trasparente. Quello usato dai muratori da mettere in terra, là, appeso alla gru di fronte a casa mia, un
le stazioni della polizia postale, tinte anni facol loro atteggiamento fascista, rettangolaree scrostato, o le tapparelle di uffici battuti dal soledove la polvere fa tappeti
(Eleonora Mignoli) *** Continuo ad amarti. ascolto la batteria che fa il legno nel camino, è un popcorn per poveri senza popcorn Continuo ad amarti,
quanta pazienza abbiamo avuto, oggi,di quelle risate d’ovatta e camino, di quelle zampedi gatto, il suo pelo striatosui divani dove i nostri mesi migliori venivanoa
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MS4gRmvvDsU a F. si aprono come fa il cucchiaino nella tazza le tue ditatra i capelli un piede che-affonda-nella-sabbia;un battito di ciglia di un angelo
Se il giorno fosse solo l’espressione che hai al mattino le tue labbra secche e segnate se fosse, lui, l’andare dal panettiere con incedere lento
questa strada, è notte, le risaie negre e la pioggia la luce rossa del contagiri, calda compagna. sono venuto a trovarti nell’unica ora in cui
In quale anfratto, in quale tenda, nell’incubo di qualecapitale: se i tuoi sogni hanno più livelli comele torte alla spuma, come le mani di madre
37 fazzoletti ripiegati pronti all’usola pioggia li ha bagnati, i tuoi occhi li hanno apertie voltati, in questo giorno umidocon lo scaldino sempre aperto, a
I pullman con la circolare destrai cignile scarpe col tacco,le tre madame del Crai, quella coi baffi tozza che pesa la verduraquella di Tavor che
l’ultima volta che ho ascoltato questa canzonele mani sulla tua schiena, il sapone. Il vapore sulle tendesui vestiti sugli armadietti stanchi. Scendiamoalla Madeleine. Facciamolodallo schermo
io ti conosco, ti ho già vista, negli occhi di una tegola e del suocono d’ombra So chi sei,sei la mano che mi “accende e
la lingua salata su cui mi sono seduto ha un @ orizzontalenomi capelli e braccia parlano lingue sconosciutepartenze.come si leggono queste poesie queste giornate, gli
pensiamo a uscire, e a proteggerci dagli spari della pioggia e dai maligni. Pensiamo alle aperture improvvise i contratti da rescindere le valigie da preparare
la lingua incastrata sotto la pressa del vocabolario della grammatica la sfera piegata ad u come una lama la mano che è un inutile arnese
Ho partecipato a un concorso per la “notte dei senza fissa dimora a Roma” – un evento in sostegno dei senza fissa dimora. Il mio
Sei lì ferma inchiodata Madonna al mio letto,fredda dentrocoperte andate e venute come amplessi nei reni,le mani. Mi guardi coi tuoi occhi e mi chiami
(Foto: Redabsinthium) c’è un passaggio, dalle parole alla libreriadal gatto peloso alla vecchia, alla lana, c’èun momento fatto di dita, uno spazioun tempo, un passaggio,
(colonna sonora: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IRSeisLf1s) L’hanno potato. C’è solo un ridicolo insieme di rami e cielo ora, là fuori. Stanno lì, insieme, un po’ spauriti un po’ spaesati,
Giocano a cricket sul prato bagnatoe la cattedrale è riversa su loro,acqua sul tavolo nero. Io ti penso,ho le mani in pastala farina si attacca
questo punto è scrivere di un mattino. vederlo e rendersi conto che non tornerà.tenerlo sulla sfera della penna sulla lastra del vetro tra la tenda
siamo distanti, lontani, siamo le mie mani oggie le mie mani fuori dalla pancia dimia madre.noi, ci proviamo. teniamo aperta la chatal calare del giorno,
Stratosfere intorno al tuo mezzogiorno sono circoli diSolitudine. C’è un letto, raffigura il presente. Un capello biondo, un futuro Che pare essere più Affascinante. Dal
to E. John Coltrane blowing in our ears is a tavern open at the edge of this day, on the border of our next page.
a E. John Coltrane che soffia nelle nostre orecchie, è un’osteria aperta al limitare del giorno al limitare del nostro prossimo foglio. Il cielo è
Vi mandano via:è una questione di spazio. Maloro non sanno, loro,dalle camicie bianche e tesedalla pelle oliva e negradai cuori torba e agnello, loronon sanno chelo spazio
Sono sceso in cucina per farmi un toast. Per produrlo. Pane in cassetta comprato da Tesco, impastato lamiera, in qualche orribile fabbrica del sud est
Provocare dolore, con una parola.Provocare quel tagliocon una poesia. Alla persona che hai amatoal giorno che era e non è più.Al ricordo, la consegno al
ho in bocca il tuo saporela critica al mio modo di fare poesia.dalle tue labbra l’ho presatroppa musicatroppe parole.le labbra grandi, e il corpospoglio. le
Glenmorangie,Tain: Ross-Shire. L’etichettaè un’impronta,foglia dorata. Glenmorangie:all’orecchio, te lo vorreisussurrare. Proprio oranel mezzo del tuo pomeriggio americano,in un parco, l’erba le alcie la neve alta sui
Diam la paix.Dammela nelle cartolineda anni impresse sul muro, dai cuscinicon cui affronto la notte,da due dita sul mio ultimo affrontodi collo. Diam la paix,mia
Nei letti, nei matrimoni frustati, nei bicchieri riversi e nei dischi bagnati, In salotto, sulla moquette, nei bagni dei parchi, sui ponti e i cartelli,
Nelle loro case a schiera camini rotti poltrone di polvere, moquette, beige cammello, nelle loro case a schiera kettler e vaporiere due rubinetti per due
ho visto il sole frantumarsi su un cavo e il cavo tendersi a raggiera come una ruota, valanga minore, sorgere dietro di te prenderti la
Sono lo stupore di una bimba bionda che corre, ciabattina, seguendo la madre per non perdere il treno, lo perdono il treno. Sono il sorriso
Le mucche che caganosui prati francesihanno alilunghee palloni a forma di fiorelegati allacoda. Quando poiun fascio di luce letrapassa, esplodono:Morbidi squarci doveun sorriso contadinotrova riparo,mentre
I divaniCome palazzi indoratiReggono i miei giorni,Le mie mutande,Questi sogni. Ci sprofondo dentro:È acqua salataDi labbro umidaLa linea di fuga cheVedoChiaraOra. —Sent with my phone
Mi porto dietro i tuoi 8 euro l’ora. i tuoi sogni disfatti. La tua caparbietà. quelle sigarette, che mi hai comprato di nascosto col sorriso
Lunedì 12 Luglio, Lunedì 12 Luglio, ma che ansia, che tedio, contrapposizione, le gambe sudate e l’unico conforto è una tua carezza, madre: sono malato,
A Fontanetto Po ho visto vecchi mattoni beige andare in bicicletta lungo zerbini d’acqua e riso ridere poco dei loro stati pensierosi e lasciarsi sfumare
Il vento del grano,soffiato tracanule storte,ha disegnatoarabeschi. Le mie dita fini,sono ormaiferme. Tendevano a comporresentieri fra i tuoicapelli.
Ho la fortuna, di avere un foglio, e una madre che ha spalancato la bocca di fronte al prato bagnato. Le coperte: da ritirare. Qui
Piego soltanto. Piego. In questo mondo anche una cartolina in un trasloco è frenetica. (con spunto da Kobayashi Issa)
Tre cimici, lungo un asse mediano, scese lungo il mio pube. Occhi rosa, adamantini. Occhi di bidoni versi d’immondizie, cemento screpolato. Piano di Mitt hjerte
L’alba del giorno dopo è lo stomaco gonfio. Il dito del piede ammaccato, il pacchetto piegato e finito. L’alba del giorno dopo, proprio questa, qui,
Due date. Per condividere. Per partire. Salutare. Perlinare tutto. Due artisti veri – loro – con me: Fab Vitale, chitarra e voce Angel Viora –
Cari amici, ho stampato un libro e voglio condividerlo con voi. Negli anni ho ricevuto parecchie proposte editoriali (per la poesia). Non per una qualche
When I was young, a kid, a kid-a, nothing more, I was looking at this Serra as a marmelade-gelatine shiit. A long tongue through my
Andrò a correrescriverò due righe di questo piano di tesiincontrerò un altrosenza fissa dimora. E questa serauna birra. Un’altra ancora. E fra qualche tempodi questo
Sessanta lune: i petali di un haiku nella tua bocca. di E. Sanguineti da “Corollario 1992-1996”, Ed. Feltrinelli, 1997
Sabato 22 Maggio ore 23 – Hana B in concerto a Ivrea con il loro “Hotel scassato” tour. Ci sarà da divertirsi. Alcol per tutti
Oggi mi sei mancata,oggi non ho parlato.Sono stato da un cinese muto, pioveva:la piazza d’immondizie,la tromba delle scale fumava, ancora. Oggi,non ho detto parola, tutto
Sono annebbiato: devo ammetterlo. Almeno in questo momento su questo divano, con le gambe lunghe: ho pensato a Eva, che ha un bel sorriso, ho
la colonna sonora ideale di questa è: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PpX4fJsiS1U&feature=fvst —- Semplicemente, così: come un mobilio rozzo e morso, sto mandando in frantumi – sganasciate – i
Al Collegio Universitario Einaudi di Torino prosegue il ciclo di incontri TI PRESENTO UN AUTORE Ospite GIUSEPPE CULICCHIA con Brucia la città (Mondadori, 2009) MARTEDI
Tra la gomma, il suo scolo e l’asfalto; il bosco, l’occhio e la foglia. Tra le tue dita fini, e il mio seno. La tastiera,
a fab. le tue mani sono protese nel vuoto, oltre il letto, è così che ti svegli, stai suonando il piano della loro follia con
Sono come i miei pensieri incatenati, le mie foglie che nascondono sole ai germogli. Con la sigaretta semi arrotolata guardo le catene lungo un via