Our fifth issue of the Radical Housing Journal is now out.
Featuring 300+ pages of outstanding content, including 2 special issues, & southern conversations on housing/COVID in Lagos, Jakarta, Argentina, Manila, Lebanon & Brazil
Peer-reviewed, open-source: grab it here!
This is the result of a year-long collective work (much work!) by the following group of editors: Ana Vilenica Erin MC EL Alejandra Reyes, Hung-Ying Chen, Samantha Thompson, Solange Muñoz & yours truly.
The Issue 3.1 Editorial team would like to extend special thanks to the RHJ copy-editing team, Melissa García, Andrea Gibbons, Samantha Thompson and Solange Munoz, and to Felicia Berryessa-Erich for wonderful cover design, as well as for setting up the website together with Mara Ferreri, and Camila Cociña for the layout of the articles.
Our Editorial: https://radicalhousingjournal.org/2021/editorial-3/
Please support: https://radicalhousingjournal.org/donate/