(14/7/21) Check here a new post, with the job application links.
I will soon start hiring for my European Research Council (ERC) Inhabiting Radical Housing project, which is now ready to start at the DIST (Polytechnic of Turin) and will last until August 2025.
The available positions include 4 post-doctoral fellowships for 36 months and 1 further post-doc for 12 months (renewable). I have prepared a prospectus expanding on the info reported below, which can be downloaded by clicking here.
Researchers will have to move to Turin, where they will be able to work with me, in English, on an extremely exciting research project around the global fight against housing precarity.
I am willing to hire scholars working in the fields of Geography, Anthropology, Sociology and Urban Studies at large, who are interested in ethnographically exploring the struggle for inhabitation at the intersections where housing meets forms of structural violence. The project will explore geographies worldwide but will be moved by a commitment to situated knowledge production and willingness to support localised struggles.
The hiring is open to politically driven scholars from around the world, dedicated to high-quality scholarship and engagement, who I will support in the development of their intellectual and career goals. Researchers will be able to join a newly established Beyond Inhabitation Lab, which greatly expands on the remit of the project, and will allow for meaningful exchange and knowledge production across geographies.
The positions will become available in late June, and the application process will stay open roughly until mid-July (a new post on this blog will signal the page for application). Selection will include titles and colloquia, and I envisage a starting date around late September 2021 (to allow visa proceedings and other paperwork). Salary starts at a minimum of €1.770 per month, after-tax, and generous research funding will be available.
Please feel free to circulate this info, and to get in touch if you need any clarification.
I’m very optimistic about the research focus and particularly encouraged by the project’s wide geographical coverage. As a housing researcher and an urban development specialist I hope to join and enrich the project with perspectives especially from Africa.