RHJ Issue 2.1 out now: The renewed ‘crisis’: Housing struggle before and after the pandemic

After a year of work, Issue 2.1 of the Radical Housing Journal is out now. Titled: “The renewed ‘crisis’: Housing struggle before and after the pandemic”, peer-reviewed & open-source, accessible here: https://radicalhousingjournal.org/issue/2-1/

Highlights include:

– The first paper by the Editorial Collective on “Covid-19 and housing struggles: The (re)makings of austerity, disaster capitalism, and the no return to normal

– Five long-reads, peer-reviewed, papers, covering struggles from a number of geographies and topics including #gentrification #RefugeeHousing #asylumseekers #HosuingJustice. Our peer review system is very strict, including academic & activists reviewers in the process

– Two great conversations:
(i) one around housing struggles in Romania and CEE, with our comrades Frontul Comun pentru Dreptul la Locuire and
Căși sociale ACUM / Social housing NOW

(ii) the other with the former UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Housing, the amazing Raquel Rolnik. “Building territories to protect life and not profit. The RHJ in conversation with Raquel Rolnik” – a must-read

– Eight updates from several geographies, including one written by our friends at the Institute on Inequality and Democracy in LA, one on a global on-line conversation covering Covid-19/housing, & reviews, one of the Push film

Issue 2.1 is edited by myself, Ana Vilenica, Erin MC EL, Alejandra Reyes, Claire Bowan, and Elana Eden.

For all of us, doing this issue meant to prioritize collective work instead of individual papers, or manuscript writing.

We hope you’ll enjoy it.


[For updates on the RHJ, follow us @Radical_Housing or like our page Radical Housing Journal on Facebook]

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