I am currently Professor of Economic and Political Geography at the DIST, Polytechnic of Turin, Italy, and Visiting Professor of Urban Studies at the Urban Institute, in Sheffield. With AbdouMaliq Simone, I founded and I co-direct the Beyond Inhabitation Lab. I am Corresponding Editor at IJURR and I was one of founder and Editor of the Radical Housing Journal.

I am a non-binary person (he/they), an anti-militarist, and I have been a vegetarian for the past 20 years. Eating fish and meat is wrong – worth stating that. 

For an overview of my research work, you can download my CV here, or check below.


Research focus

My qualitative work offers a critical approach to home and homelessness, focusing on a relational reading of housing and habitation and on processes of dispossession in the contemporary urban. I currently direct a five-year European Research Council (ERC) project entitled ‘Inhabiting Radical Housing’, and a four-year Italian Ministry of Universities and Research project entitled ‘Precarious Housing in Eastern Europe’. The ERC project encompasses a large group of researchers, with whom I am interested in exploring the ways through which structural forms of violence related to ‘dwelling’ are opposed from within, in everyday life, by communities on a global scale. With the second project, I intend to continue my work on precarious housing in Eastern Europe, with a new focus on new housing and urban developments in the region.

Part of my work includes experimenting with collective and creative methodologies that seek to go beyond the traditional production of academic knowledge (an example of this is the Radical Housing Journal, as well as the collaborative documentary on anti-racist resistance for housing in Bucharest, which I have researched and directed). I am also involved in housing and anti-militarist activism, including against the violent European regime of border control, within and beyond Italy.

Click on the titles below to download my publications, and feel free to get in touch if you wish to collaborate.

Research Projects

Competitively funded projects

1) ERC Starting Grant – Inhabiting Radical Housing
€1,500,000, Sept 2020 – Aug 2025
A description of the project for the general public can be read here.
PI: Michele Lancione (PI)
Host Institution: Politecnico di Torino (from 1/4/21; originally, University of Sheffield)

2) FARE (Italian Ministry of Universities) Precarious Housing in Eastern Europe: Histories, Geographies and Urban Political Economies
€238,000, September 2022 – August 2026

PI: Michele Lancione

3) Marie-Curie Individual Fellowship (Mentor)Climate just housing: Towards more sustainable urban environments for all
€188,500, January 2023 – December 2024

PI: Dr Melissa García Lamarca

4) Marie-Curie Individual Fellowship Global (Mentor) Environmental gentrification and emerging collectives in uncertain times
€187,200, August 2023 – August 2026

PI: Dr Daniela Giudici

5) Urban Studies Foundation (Mentor) Living in the smart city: Politics and the (re)structuring of power in/through smart housing in India
€180,000, March 2022 – February 2025
PI: Dr Jenifa Zahan

Past research projects (selected)

(2019) Antipode International Workshop Awards, with the Radical Housing Journal (Co-I)
(2018) Antipode Scholar-Activist award, with FCDL (PI)
(2015) Foreign Researchers Scholarship Award, Romanian Cultural Institute (PI)
(2013-2016) Urban Studies Foundation Research Fellowship (PI)
(2011-2013) UTS Chancellor’s Post-Doctoral Fellowship (PI)

Teaching and PhD supervisions

In Turin, I lead a Master module on ‘Geography: theory and practice’, I teach a course on research ethics an qualitative methods in the PhD program, and I am involved in the management of the Master degree in Geography.

I currently supervise a number of students internationally and I am interested in working with new, highly motivated, candidates interested in working with decolonial, feminist, and critical ethnographic approaches to the contemporary urban.

Current PhD candidates:

– Ms Francesca Guarino (Sheffield University, primary supervisor), with a thesis on migrants and public space in Palermo;
– Ms Saanchi Saxena (Polytechnic of Turin, primary supervisor), researching women street vendors in Mumbai
– Ms Alessandra Mossa (Polytechnic of Turin, primary supervisor), research geographies of madness and mental health
– Ms Caterina Ciarleglio (Polytechnic of Turin, second supervisor)

Completed PhD supervisions:

– Dr Sri Suryani (Sheffield University, primary supervisor), with a project on environmental displacement and dwelling in Jakarta
– Dr Stephanie Lacey (Sheffield University, primary supervisor), with a project on motherhood and homelessness in Manchester
– Ms Martyna Piliszewska (Sheffield University, primary supervisor for three years), with a thesis on the experience of homelessness amongst CEE migrants in the north of the UK
– Dr Victorie Okoye, secondary supervisor (Sheffield University), with a thesis on participatory methods, marginality and community building in Accra, Ghana
– Dr Eirini Glynou-Lefaki, external supervisor (GSSI, Italy), with a project on everyday life and the politics of walking



Lancione, M. (2023) For a Liberatory Politics of Home. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

304 Pages, 7 illustration, $28.95

“Michele Lancione has given us a tremendous gift with this pathbreaking and brilliant book. […] The study of housing and homelessness will not be the same.” — Ananya Roy

“[T]his book offers a whole new perspective to imagine housing futures toward housing justice in which ‘housing precarity’ is not only a site for deprivation and relegation or a ‘problem to be fixed’ but can also perform a new politics of inhabitation.” — Raquel Rolnik

Edited volumes

Amin, A. and Lancione, M, eds. (2022) Grammars of the Urban Ground. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

Contributor(s): Natalie Oswin, Ananya Roy, Colin McFarlane, Nigel Thrift, Mariana Valverde, Teresa P. R. Caldeira, Filip de Boeck, Caroline Knowles, Edgar Pieterse, Tatiana Thieme, AbdouMaliq Simone, Suzanne M. Hall

264 Pages, $26.95, Open Access at Read.Duke, thanks to BA support.

“A radical, experimental agenda for the twenty-first century” – Ravi Sundaram
“An outstanding work” – Sakia Sassen

Lancione, M. and McFarlane, C. eds., (2021) Global Urbanism. Knowledge, Power and the City. London: Routledge.

46 authors, 39 chapters, including essays and interviews with scholars and activists worldwide.
370 Pages, 31 B/W Illustrations
GBP £34.99 (Paperback)

“Global Urbanism will serve as a guidepost for how we reflect about and act upon urbanization for the foreseeable future.” Professor Roger Keil, York University, Canada

Lancione, M. ed., (2016) Rethinking Life at the Margins. The Assemblage of Contexts, Subjects and Politics, London: Routledge.

‘This excellent collection brings a new focus to an enduring and vital question: how is urban marginality produced, lived and contested? […] An important contribution to debates on urban life and inequality’ Colin McFarlane, Durham University, UK

‘This impressive volume, with its masterful introduction, is illuminating and essential reading for urbanists determined to rethink and remake the city anew.’ Edgar Pieterse, University of Cape Town, South Africa

Ethnographic Films, Novels, Activist & Collective books

Lancione, M. (2023) Università e Militarizzazione: Il duplice uso della libertà di ricerca, which means “University and Militarisation: The dual use of research freedom”. ERIS Edizioni, Turin.

One of the very few short books exploring the relationship between the Academic world and the Military sector. Written as a guide for students, educators and academics, on the basis of my own activism against the relationship of my Polytechnic with the EU Frontex Agency. More info, in English and Italian, here.


FCDL, (2019) Jurnal din Vulturilor 50: Povestea unei lupte pentru dreptate locative, which means “Diary of Vulturilor: The story of a fight for housing justice”. IDEA, Cluj-Napoca

The first book on the fight for the right to housing written by an activist Roma woman, produced collectively by the Common Front of the Right to Housing (FCDL), with the support of the Antipode Scholar-Activist Award.

Before the book, it came the community blog, which I have set up with FCDL and maintained during the 2-year community resistance. Available at JurnalDinVulturilor50.org

Lancione M. (2017) A început ploaia (It started raining). A feature documentary around evictions and the fight for housing in Bucharest, Romania. Cardiff: A Community Productions.

Official webpage: www.ainceputploaia.com.
Romania, Italy, UK – 72 minutes
Substitles in Hungarian, Czech, German, Italian, French and Spanish
Download the press kit here.
Read how we did the film here.

Lancione M. (2011) Il numero 1 (The number 1). An ethnographic novel around homelessness in Turin, Italy, Eris Edizioni, Turin.

Read more: in a paper in S&CG about the book (in English)
Buy online (in Italian).

Academic papers

Lancione, Michele, and AbdouMaliq Simone. 2024. ‘Dispossessed Exposures. Housing and Regimes of the Visible’. EPD: Society & Space.

Lancione, M., (2023) Radical Housing Justice Within and Beyond Caring. Antipode, June, anti.12958. https://doi.org/10.1111/anti.12958.

Lancione, M. (2022). Inhabiting Dispossession in the Post-Socialist City: Race, Class and the Plan in Bucharest, Romania, Antipode, DOI: 10.1111/anti.12821 (Open Access)

Lancione, M, and A. Simone (2021). ‘Dwelling in Liminalities, Thinking beyond InhabitationEnvironment and Planning D: Society and Space, Online First.

Lancione, M. (2020) Underground inscriptions, Cultural Anthropology, 35:1, 31-39

Lancione, M. (2019) Radical housing: on the politics of dwelling as difference. International Journal of Housing Policy 1–17. doi:10.1080/19491247.2019.1611121.

Lancione M, Stefanizzi A and Gaboardi M (2018) Passive adaptation or active engagement ? The challenges of Housing First internationally and in the Italian case. Housing Studies, 33(1), 40-57, DOI: 10.1080/026

Lancione, M. (2017). Revitalising the uncanny : Challenging inertia in the struggle against forced evictionsEnvironment and Planning D: Society and Space. 35(6), 1012-1032, http://doi.org/10.1177/0263775817701731

Lancione, M, and Rosa, E. (2017) “Going in, out, through: A Dialogue around Long Skirts, Fried Chips, Frozen Shacks and the Makeshifts of Ethnography.” City 21, no. 2: 135–50. doi:10.1080/13604813.2017.1353335.
Thieme, T, M. Lancione, and E. Rosa. (2017) “The City and Its Margins: Ethnographic Challenges across Makeshift Urbanism: Introduction.” City 21, no. 2 (March 4, 2017): 127–34. doi:10.1080/13604813.2017.1353331.

Lancione, M. (2017). Micropolitical entanglements: Positioning and matter. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 35(4), 574–578.

Lancione, M. (2016) Racialised dissatisfaction: Homeless management and the everyday assemblage of difference, Transactions of the Institute of the British Geographers, 41, 363-375.

Lancione, Michele, and Colin McFarlane. 2016. “Life at the Urban Margins: Sanitation Infra-Making and the Potential of Experimental Comparison.” JOUR. Environment and Planning A , July. doi:10.1177/0308518X16659772 .

Lancione, M., (2016). The ethnographic novel as activist mode of existence: translating the field with homeless people and beyond. Social & Cultural Geography, 9365(October), pp.1–22. Available at: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14649365.2016.1231336.

Lancione M (2016) Beyond Homelessness Studies. European Journal of Homelessness 10(3): 163–176.

Lancione, M. and Clegg, S.R. (2015), The Lightness of Management Learning, Management Learning, 46:3, 280-298

Lancione, M. (2015). Housing First: Successo, Modelli E Sfide Politiche (Housing First: Success, Models and Policy Challenges). Psicologia Di Comunità, no. 2, 23–40.

Lancione, M. (2014), Entanglements of faith: Discourses, practices of care and homeless people in an Italian city of Saints, Urban Studies, DOI: 10.1177/0042098013514620

Lancione, M. (2014), Assemblages of care and the analysis of public policies on homelessness in Turin, Italy, City, 18:1, 25-40

Lancione, M. (2014), “The Spectacle of the Poor. Or: ‘Wow!! Awesome. Nice to Know That People Care!’Social & Cultural Geography, 15:7, 693-713

Lancione, M. (2013). How is Homelessness? European Journal of Homelessness, 7(2), 237–248.

Lancione, M. (2013), Homeless people and the city of abstract machine. Assemblage thinking and the performative approach to homelessnessArea, 45:3, p. 358-364

Lancione, M. (2013), Introduction: Telescopic Urbanism and the Urban Poor: Symposium, City, 17:4, p. 474-75

Lancione, M. (2013), Truthful social science or: how we learned to stop worrying and love the bomb, (Critical review of B. Flybvjerg “Real Social Science. Applied Phronesis”), The Journal of Political Power, 6:1, p. 147-155

Lancione, M., Clegg, S.R., (2013), The chronotopes of change: Actor-networks in a changing Business School, The Journal of Change Management, 13:2, p. 117–142 -> The article has been nominated as one of the 5 best papers at the EGOS 2013 conference 

Cunha, P.M., Rego, A., Clegg, S. and Lancione, M. (2012), Organizing a utopian State of Exception: The case of the S-21 extermination camp, Phnom Penh, The Journal of Political Power, 5:2, p. 279-299

Lancione, M. (2010)  “Giustizia sociale, spazio e città” (Social justice, space and the city), in Rivista Geografica Italiana, 117 (4), pp. 625-652 – in Italian

Governa, F., De Luca, A., Lancione, M. (2009)  “Le politiche della casa in Europa” (Housing policies in Europe), in Rivista Geografica Italiana, 116 (3) – in Italian

Reviews, Forums & other essays

Amin, Ash, and Michele Lancione. 2023. ‘Urban Words and Worlds’. Dialogues in Urban Research, OnlineFirst.

Lancione, M. 2021. ‘Il Corpo e l’uso Politico Della Metafora Geografica’. Rivista Geografica Italiana 4: 172–79.

Lancione, M. and Simone, A. (2020) Bio-austerity and Solidarity in the Covid-19 Space of Emergency, Society & Space on-line blog

City Editorial Collective, (2020), For the City yet to come. City, 24(1-2),1-4

RHJ Editorial Collective, (2020), Covid-19 and housing struggles: The (re)makings of austerity, disaster capitalism, and the no return to normal, Radical Housing Journal, Vol 2(1): 09-28

RHJ Issue 2.1 Editorial Team. 2020. The renewed ‘crisis’: Housing Struggle before and after the Pandemic. Radical Housing Journal 2(1):8.

Lancione, M. (2020) Otherwise care from the underground, in Arts for the Working Class

Lancione, M. 2019. Oltre il profilo: per una etnografia urbana del molteplice e del politico. Quaderni di Sociologia 81(LXIII):111–19. doi: 10.4000/qds.3528.

Lancione, M. (2019), Recentering the politics of home from within and from below, in Arts of the Working Class

Lancione, M. (2019). Caring for the endurance of a collective struggle. Dialogues in Human Geography, 9(2), 216–219. https://doi.org/10.1177/2043820619850362

Lancione, M. (2019) Review of AbdouMaliq Simone and Edgar Pieterse 2017: New Urban Worlds: Inhabiting Dissonant Times. Cambridge: Polity Press published in IJURR, available here.

Radical Housing Journal Editorial Collective. 2019. Introducing the Radical Housing Journal. Radical Housing Journal 1(1):3.

Lancione, M. (2018), Review of Arapoglou, V. and Gounis, K., “Contested Landscapes of Poverty and Homelessness in Southern Europe: Reflections from Athens”, EjoH, 13:1, 119-122

Lancione, M. (2017) “There is Nothing Like the City” (book review of Amin and Thrift ‘Seeing like a city’), Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, available here.

Lancione, M. (2016) “Unfolding the surface of occupation” (book review of A. Vasudevan, 2015, Metropolitan Preoccupations), Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, available here.

Lancione, M. (2012) “Architecture in the space of flows” (book review), by Ballantyne, A., and Smith, C.L., Construction management and economics, 30(3), 253-255 – in English

Lancione, M. (2009) “The spaces of the modern city”  (book review), by Prakash and Kuse (ed), Urban Research & Practice, 3(1), 114-118 – in English

Lancione, M. (2008) “Scenari strategici (book review), by Magnaghi, A., Rivista Geografica Italiana, 115(4), 2008 – in Italian

Essays in edited volumes

Lancione, M., and C. McFarlane. 2021. ‘Navigating the Global Urban’. Pp. 3–13 in Global Urbanism, edited by M. Lancione and C. McFarlane. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2021.: Routledge.

Governa, F., and M. Lancione. 2020. ‘Vedere Come Una Città: Introduzione’. in Vedere come una Città (traduzione Italiana di Seeing Like a City). Rome: Mimesis.

Lancione, M. 2020. Abitare Una Liberazione. in Senza Metropoliz non è la mia città. Rome: Bordeaux.

Lancione, M. 2020. ‘Activism, Research and Film-Making’. in The Handbook of Displacement, edited by P. Adey, J. C. Bowstead, K. Brickell, V. Desai, M. Dolton, A. Pinkerton, and A. Siddiqi. Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Lancione, M. 2020. ‘Ethics from the Underground’. in Thinking Home on the Move: A Conversation across Disciplines, edited by P. Boccagni, L. E. PéRez Murcia, and M. Belloni. Emerald Publishing Limited.

Lancione, M. 2020. ‘L’autre: In Dialogo Con Michele Lancione’. in Exploring Identities. Perspectives from a cross-disciplinary dialogue, Quaderni di urbanistica, edited by S. Cremaschi, S. Marconcini, and L. Marinaro. Rome: Quolibet.

Lancione, M. (2020). Bucarest: Citta’ sotterranea. In P. Piscitelli (Ed.), Atlante delle citta’. Nove (ri)tratti urbani per un viaggio planetario. (pp. 121–136). Milano: Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli.

Lancione, M. (2019). Pathways to the Machinic Subject. In T. Jellis, J. Gerlach, & J.-D. Dewsbury (Eds.), Why Guattari? A Liberation of Cartographies, Ecologies and Politics. London: Routledge.

Lancione, M. (2019) Getting Rid of Home. In Lassy, J. and S. Turunen (eds.), Homelessness in 2030. Essays on Possible Futures. Y-Foundation, Keuruu.

Lancione, M. (2019), “Placing urban difference”, in Amin, A (ed), Governing the plural city, London and Delhi: British Academy and National Institute of Urban Affairs.

Ballin, E., and M. Lancione. 2019. ‘Waking up to Homelessness’. Primary Geography, 4.
Lancione, M., (2016), The City and “the Homeless”: Machinic Subjects. In H. Frichot, C. Gabrielsson, & J. Metzger, eds. Deleuze and the City. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Lancione, M., and McFarlane, C., (2016). “Infrastructural becoming: sanitation and the (un)making of life at the margins”. In: I. Farías and B. Anders, eds., Urban Cosmopolitics. London: Routledge, pp. 45-62

Lancione, M. (2016).
The Assemblage of Life at the Margins”, In: M. Lancione, ed., Rethinking Life at the Margins. The Assemblage of Contexts, Subjects and Politics. Routledge, London.

Lancione, M. (2015), “Context. Experiencing the City”, in Naar, L. and Clegg, S., Gehry in Sydney. The Dr Chau Chak Wing Building, UTS, Images Publishing, Mulgrave, pp. 17-32

Lancione, M. (2015), “Commission. A Changing Business School”, in Naar, L. and Clegg, S., Gehry in Sydney. The Dr Chau Chak Wing Building, UTS, Images Publishing, Mulgrave, pp. 33-42

Governa, F., Lancione, M. (2010), La città del sociale: dalle immagini come retoriche alle “non-rappresentazioni” come pratiche (A “social” city: from the use of images as rhetoric to practice of “non-representation”), in Santangelo, Vanolo “Di capitale importanza”, Carocci, Roma – in Italian

De Luca, A., Lancione, M. (2010), La nuova questione abitativa: disagio, politiche e territorio urbano (The new housing question: discomfort, policies and urban space), in Santangelo, Vanolo “Di capitale importanza”, Carocci, Roma – in Italian

Lancione, M. (2008), Gipsies and urban policies: among problems and ambiguities, depth analysis box in “L’Italia delle città: tra malessere e trasfigurazione”, Società Geografica Italiana, Roma – in Italian

Lancione, M. (2008), Social housing in European Union (15) and the role of the cities, depth analysis box in “L’Italia delle città: tra malessere e trasfigurazione”, Società Geografica Italiana, Roma – in Italian

Keynote speeches

– 2024, “For a Liberatory Politics of Home”, Keynote at the UULP seminar at KU Leuven, Brussels,17th May 2024

– 2023, “The Impossible Possibility of Home”, Keynote at the Lisbon Early-Career Workshop in Urban Studies. 3rd ed. ICS-ULisboa, 8-10 Nov 2023

– 2022, Keynote address at the two-day research workshop on “Evictability: Understanding the nexus of migration and urban displacements”, at the Malmö University Institute for Urban Research, June 2022

– 2021, “The false symmetry of research-activism. Towards accomplicenship and undercommon praxis”, keynote with Veda Popovici at the RGS-IBG Urban Geography research group conference, November 2021
– 2021, “Race, class and the plan, in Bucharest, Romania”, keynote at the DASTU, Polytechnic of Milan, at their “Planning for Social Justice” event, October 2021
– 2021,  “Inhabiting dispossession in the post-socialist city: storylines, embodied struggles, and emplacement”, keynote speech at the international workshops “Migrant and Minority Activism: Between protest movements and everyday engagement”, organised by ZOiS Berlinand the EASA Anthropology of Social Movements Network, Berlin, September 2021
– 2021, “Curare a parte. Bio-austerità e geografia politica interstiziale”, keynote speech at the event “Dagli spazi di percezione agli spazi della politica”, organised by PhD students in Geography at the University of Padova, June 2021

– 2019, “On Lessness: Recentering the politics of home”, invited keynote at the 7th EUGEO Congress, in conjunction with the 51st Conference of Irish Geographers, Dublin, May 2019

– 2019, “Radical Housing: On the politics of dwelling as difference”, invited keynote at the 2019 UK Housing Studies Association Conference, Sheffield, April 2019

– 2018, “Minor ethnographies and the activist mode of existence”, keynote speech at Politicising Public Health: A Workshop for Early Career Ethnographers, LSHTM, London, October 2018

– 2017, “Beyond homelessness study”, keynote speech At the European Observatory on Homelessness Conference in Barcelona, September 2017

– 2015, “The Adaptation of Housing First” keynote at the international conference X Stratagemma. La prevenzione nella scuola e nella comunità: rigenerare la qualità della vita, Padova, 25 June 2015



2023/10-12 – Dozens of interviews  on my book “Università e Militarizzazione” with Italian magazines and radios. An example is this one with Altreconomia, translated by me in English here.

2023/03 – Interview on Border Criminologies on Frontex and the EU border regime, available here.

2022/06 – Interview with the WOZ (Die Wochenzeitung, a Swiss-German critical Left newspaper), on urbanity, radical housing and the meaning of academic work. Available in German here, and in automated English transaltion here.

2022/01 – Interview with Border Radio, available as a Podcast on Spotify

2021/11 – Multiple interviews with L’Internazionale, Gruppo Melitea, StateWatch and others, as well as open letter to Il Manifesto on the DIST-Polito-FRONTEX case. Also, video of public intervention with students at the humanity faculty in Turin (min 13-39″). The story behind all of this is here.

2021/10 – Interviews with Radio Blackout on the agreement my Department has made with Frontex. The story is here.

2020/10 – Interview by Sara Caramaschi & Sebastiano Marconcini, L’autre. In dialogue with Michele Lancione, published in “iQuaderni di U3”, Quodilibet, in English (avalable online)

2019/04 – Interview and podcast by the journal dérive (Vienna) on the fight for the right to housing in Eastern Europe. Available here.

2019/03 – Interview and podcast for the Relational Poverty Network (USA-based) series on ‘New Poverty Politics’. The focus is on ‘Collaborative Art Praxis to Challenge Homelessness’, with Rhoda Rosen and Billy McGuinness. Available here

2018/09 – Interview with Milena Belloni of the ERC-StG “HOMInG” project (lead by Paolo Boccagni) on ‘home among the homeless’. Available here

2015/11 – Interview with the Romanian magazine Scena9 on my work with the Vulturilor community in Bucharest, here.

2015/08 – Interviewed by and collaborated with Max Daly for the piece ‘Bucharest’s Drug-Addicted Roma Are Being Left to Rot’, published on VICE US. Available here.

2015/06 – Interviewed for the piece ‘In Search of a Drug Consumption Room – The Open Veins of Drug Users’, published in Romanian and English on Drug Link. Available here

2012/10 – Radio Flash, Turin: Interview on the homelessness situation in the city. Available here

2011/08 – La Repubblica (Italian national newspaper), interviewed by Luca Rastello on my work in Sydney.


Other writing

2023/10 – Università e Militarizzazione: Il Duplice uso della Libertà di Ricerca (Eris Edizioni)

2021/10 – Public letter to fight an agreement my Department has made with Frontex. Interviews with La Repubblica, Radio Blackout and others have followed. The original letter in Italian is here, while the story in English here.

2021/03 – Video response to the Los Angeles Poverty Department ‘Walk the Talk’ archive of Skid Row residents and performers (here)

2020/03 – ‘Bio-austerity and Solidarity in the Covid-19 Space of Emergency’ with AbdouMaliq Simone, Society & Space blog (here)

2019/12 – Piece for the Italian communist newspaper Il Manifesto, on the UK election (here)

2019/10 – Piece for the street newspaper ‘Arts of the Working Class’, on care

2017/02 – Release of my feature ethnographic documentary about forced evictions against Roma people in Bucharest, Romania, entitled ‘A început ploaia’ (It started to rain). Info on all the international screenings at www.ainceputploaia.com

2016/05 – Written introduction to the photographic book ‘Inside, Outside, Under Bucharest’ by photographers Massimo Branca and Ivan Marchesan.

2015/10 – An article entitled ‘Eviction and Housing Racism in Bucharest’ has been published by Open Democracy, available here. The same piece was translated into Romanian in ‘TOTB’, here.

2014/12 – Some of my pictures were used by AlJazeera’s journalist Paul Brennan to complete his video reportage of the evicted people of Vulturilor st, in Bucharest, Romania. They can be found in this video.

2014/11 – “Romania, Lucruilui Bine Facut”, Thinkpiece on housing policy and political situation in Romania before 2014’s election. Available here.

2013/04 – “How is homelessness? Objects, codes, and poetry to re-imaging what we are talking about”, Paper on homelessness for a street-based magazine in the UK, The Nervemeter, (distributed in London). Available here.

2012/10 – “I senza dimora a Torino. Alcune note di campo”. Policy paper address to the private and public services providers for homelessness in Turin. Available here.

2011/06 – “Il Numero 1”, Novel based on my PhD dissertation on homelessness. Turin, Eris Edizioni


The list of seminars and conference participation is in my CV.