Dialogues in Human Geography published a review forum of my documentary A început ploaia/It started raining. The Forum contains reflections that encompass the film, to discuss issues of co-production, research-activism, evictions and the history of housing restitutions in Eastern Europe. It contains four contributions from scholars working on these themes since many years, whom I admire for their scholarship and commitment. These include:
- Katherine Brickell, on Forced eviction, intimate war and disposable homes
- Liviu Chelcea, on After Engels: Evictions and the urbanization of anti-communism
- AbdouMaliq Simone, on A film: A comment
- Ana Vilenica, on Becoming an accomplice in housing struggles on Vulturilor Street
The Forum is wrapped up with a final contribution by myself, entitled Caring for the endurance of a collective struggle.
The essays can be read on Dialogues’ webpage. My contribution can be also read on Academia.edu or Research Gate. Thanks to Ugo Rossi (University of Turin) for organizing this Forum!