Freedom School “Insurgent Ground: Land, Housing, Property” in Los Angeles

It was a privilege for me to participate in the Institute on Inequality and Democracy’s Freedom School “Insurgent Ground: Land, Housing, Property” in Los Angeles a couple of weeks ago.

A collective of old and new friends and comrades, doing housing justice work across geographies. We spent so much time sharing generous scholarships and organising at UCLA but also at Union de Vecinos and with my good friends at the Los Angeles Poverty Department.

One of the best moments for me was sharing reflections with Elizbeth Blaney and the inspiring, wonderful Lisa ‘Tiny’ Gray-Garcia on her poverty scholarship work. Her writings and insights are really meaningful.

I also have some time to plot future things with Ananya, who has done an amazing job, together with Terra Graziani and their colleagues, to set up the School. Watch out for the open-access volume that will be produced with all the contributors!

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