I am excited to take part in a two-day event on “Evictability: Understanding the nexus of migration and urban displacements” at Malmö University, Institute for Urban Research, June 2-3 , 2022
I will be delivering one of the two keynotes (the other by Huub van Baar), followed by the screening of my documentary on forced evictions in the city centre of Bucharest, A Inceput Ploaia/It Started Raining.
At the core of this event, there is a full-day workshop with scholars working on migrations, eviction, displacement and racialised dispossession coming from all over Europe. I very much look forward to the conversation! The program is below, and here.
Thank you to the wonderful Maria Persdotter, Valeria Raimondi and Mauricio Rogat for the organising!
Thursday, June 2:
ABF Malmö, Stora salen, Spånehusvägen 47 (from Malmö C take bus #5 to Folkets park)
13:00-14:00 | Informal lunch, location TBD (at your own expense) |
14:00-14:15 | Welcome and introductions |
14:15-15:15 | Huub van Baar (KU Leuven) – keynote address + Q&A |
15:15-15:30 | Break, snacks |
15:30-16:30 | Michele Lancione (Polytechnic of Turin), keynote address + Q&A |
16:30-17:45 | FILM: A început ploaia/It started raining: Fighting for the right to housing in Bucharest |
17:45-18:00 | Break, snacks |
18:00-19:30 | City walk: Local social movement history, Pål Brunnström and Fredrik Egefur |
9:30 | Pizza-dinner at Far i Hatten, Folkets park (https://www.farihatten.se/) |
Friday, June 3:
Malmö University (Niagara building, 4th floor, Room A0407), Nordenskiöldsgatan 1 (nearest bus stop: Anna Lindh’s plats)
9:00-10:00 | Workshop Session 1 (3 papers) |
10:00-10:15 | Break |
10:15-11:45 | Workshop Session 2 (4 papers) |
11:45-12:45 | Lunch |
12:45-13:45 | Workshop Session 3 (3 papers) |
13:45 -14:00 | Break |
14:00-15:00 | Workshop Session 4 (3 papers) |
15:00- 15:30 | Break |
15:30-17:00 | Final group discussion |
18:00 | Informal dinner and drinks, location TBD (at your own expense) |