CERTO – Coordinamento per l’Etica della Ricerca TOrino is a new group, which I helped co-found and of which I am part, made of academics from the University and the Polytechnic of Turin concerned with research ethics.
In particular, through CERTO we aim to focus on research collaborations, investments and funding that pose relevant ethical challenges for our academic work of research and teaching. Our Manifesto can be found here: https://coordinamentounito.wordpress.com/2023/04/26/nasce-certo-coordinamento-per-letica-nella-ricerca-torino/
On May 24th, we will host a public debate on the Frontex-Polytechnic of Turin case, on which I have already spent much energy (see here). See the program below for details.
Intorno al caso Frontex: l’Università alle frontiere dell’etica
Mercoledì 24 maggio, 17:00